Academic Communities
TCAPS High School Academic Communities
The Academic Communities at Traverse City Central High School (CHS) & Traverse City West Senior High School (WSH) are designed to create connections & rigor in a student’s area of academic interest by:
- Empowering students with deeper knowledge, skills, and experiences
- Engaging in authentic experiences within and beyond the classroom
- Developing competencies in TCAPS’ Portrait of a Graduate to be better prepared for college & work
Academic Community Options (2023-24 & 2024-25)
Students are not required to join a community; additional community options will be added over time
Note: Students do not need to take any extra steps during the course request process if they wish to join any of the three communities. Just select Honors or Advanced Placement.
STEM: Sci-Ma-Tech & Sci-Ma-Health
“Sci-Ma-Tech” & “Sci-Ma-Health”
Program Benefits:
- Completion of honors and Advanced Placement credits above & beyond minimum graduation requirements in Science, Math, Engineering, Technology, Research, Health Sciences
- Regular meetings with other students in the STEM community outside of classes
- Guest speakers, field trips and field experiences
- 9th and 10th grade ‘block’ experience in Science, ELA, Tech and Research for project based learning and to keep schedule free for other specialty classes
- 11th & 12th grade focus in Sci-Ma-Tech (engineering & technology) or Sci-Ma-Health (Health sciences and medical) with job shadow, internship and research projects
- Diploma designation for those that successfully complete the program.
How to Join:
Students can sign up at the end of each semester including May-June of their 8th grade year heading into Freshman year or at the end of any semester (including during Senior year). The STEM Community no longer requires a separate application or interview process.
Global Studies
English Language Arts, World Language, History, Government, & Social Studies
Program Benefits:
- Completion of honors and Advanced Placement credits above & beyond minimum graduation requirements in English Language Arts, World Language, History, Government and other Social Studies
- Regular meetings with other students in the Global community outside of classes
- Guest speakers, field trips and field experiences
- Co-curricular experiences such as Model United Nations, Debate, Academic World Quest, Journalism, Mentoring and Mediation
- Diploma designation for those that successfully complete the program
How to Join:
Students can join at the beginning or end of any semester (including during Senior year) as long as they have successfully completed one semester at a TCAPS high school.
The Arts: Visual & Performing
Performing or Visual Arts
Program Benefits:
- Completion of honors and Advanced Placement credits above & beyond minimum graduation requirements in performing or visual arts including band, orchestra, choir, theater, sculpture, ceramics, drawing, painting and digital arts.
- Regular meetings with other students in the Arts community outside of classes
- Guest speakers, field trips and field experiences
- Co-curricular experiences such as solo & ensemble, thespians festival, juried art shows and internships
- Diploma designation for those that successfully complete the program
How to Join:
Students can join at the beginning or end of any semester (including during Senior year) as long as they have successfully completed one semester at a TCAPS high school.
Academic Communities FAQ
What is it?
An academic community is a group of students who share similar interests and academic strengths in a common content area.
What does the community do?
As a community, students meet regularly and formulate a plan as to what we want to get out of our academic community. Examples of this would be brainstorming guest speakers we want to hear, planning field trips, and creating experiences for students who have a strong passion in STEM, The Arts or Global Studies.
Why should I join?
The purpose of joining is to become part of a community at your high school made up of students who are like minded and passionate about similar topics. This can help build a sense of community and support within the building. Besides building community, this will be a distinction on your diploma that can set you apart from others when applying for colleges (if you meet all posted requirements for your Community).
How can I join?
There is an electronic form to sign up for each community that is pushed out to enrolled families on the schedule listed above. Students do not need to apply or interview as part of the sign up process. Early in 2nd Semester of your Senior year, you will meet again with your counselor or community advisor to make sure you meet all the requirements for the diploma designation.
Can I join if I am currently a Senior?
YES! Seniors that have met the requirements for a Community can sign up as late as Senior year if their coursework and experiences up to that point put them on track to meet Community requirements. Those seniors can still earn the distinction on their diploma at graduation.
Is this a class I take?
No. This is not a class, but it will show up as a 7th hour “class” on powerschool so counselors and teachers know you are part of that Community. Meetings happen outside of school hours (before school, at lunch, afterschool). Once you graduate, this becomes a distinction on your diploma.
Do I have to join?
No. This is completely optional and a way to encourage students to become more active in and outside of the classroom in the areas they are passionate about.
Am I limited to joining only ONE Academic Community?
No. In rare instances where a student is active and meets the requirements for more than one Community, they may be a member of multiple Communities.
How can I learn more?
Talk to your Counselor or connect the teacher-advisor for the community your have interest in.
Academic Community Advisors:
Central High School
- STEM Advisor: Keith Forton
- Global Studies Advisor: Paige Paul
- The Arts Advisor: Wendee Wolf-Schlarf
West Senior High School
- STEM Advisor: Megan Bartley
- Global Studies Advisor: Karlee Tenbusch
- The Arts Advisor: Erich Wangeman