English Learner Program
About English Learner
The English Learner (EL) program provides English language instruction and support for students K-12 who are unable to communicate fluently in English. Through development of listening, speaking, reading and writing (including vocabulary and grammar skills), students are assisted in becoming independent English speakers and learners. English Learners meet with EL staff on a regular basis for instruction. Materials and methods are appropriate to the grade, age, and language levels of students.
EL Mission
The intent of the EL program is to ensure successful academic achievement for all TCAPS students who qualify for English language services.
EL Goals
The English Learner Program strives to accomplish the following goals:
- To provide quality English language instruction for all English Learners (EL) in grades K-12 so they may become proficient in the four domains of the English language: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- To assist all students in accessing content-area instruction while learning English, so that they can work towards or remain at grade level and make progress toward grade level competencies in content areas.
- To familiarize the EL student with the varied cultures and customs of the United States while promoting their own ethnic pride through cultural diversity and sensitivity.
- To assist English Learners and their families in becoming participating members of the Traverse City Area Public Schools community.
In addition, Traverse City Area Public Schools' EL program maintains follow-up on students who have exited the program. This process ensures that all Former English Learner (FEL) students are monitored through collaboration with the EL teaching assistant and the classroom teacher, in addition to the district EL coach.
More About EL
The TCAPS English Learner Program works carefully to properly identify students who qualify for English language support services. Determining who qualifies as an English learner involves the following multiple steps:
All TCAPS students fill out a home language survey as part of the registration packet.
If a student has a native tongue other than English (ex: Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese, etc.) or there is a primary language other than English spoken in the home (ex: Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Chinese, etc.), the student will qualify to be screened for English language services.
A trained staff member will administer the WIDA screener. Depending on the score, the student may qualify for English language services. If so, he/she is considered an English learner.
English learners may be immigrants from other countries or students who were born in the United States.
Once identified, the program connects English Learners with additional supports available. The TCAPS English Learner Program serves students coming from any country speaking any language. We are proud to currently represent students speaking over 26 languages.
How Long Does It Take to Learn a New Language?
- Social Proficiency (informal language at school, home, the playground): 1-3 Years
- Academic Proficiency (content-based language of the classroom): 5-7 Years
For More EL Program Information
Contact the Curriculum & Instruction Department, 231.933.1775.
Interpreter/Translation Services
Interpreter/Translation Services
Traverse City Area Public Schools will provide free interpreter/translator services to parents/caregivers of students for a variety of school functions including but not limited to enrollment, IEPs, parent-teacher conferences and meetings, disciplinary actions, and written communication and forms. The use of family members and friends for the provision of language assistance is generally not acceptable. To request an interpreter or translation, contact the main office administrative assistant at each building. The school may use a tele-interpreter service to fulfill an immediate need or situation where an in-person interpreter is not available. Parents do not have to be limited English proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending English to be considered Limited English Proficiency (LEP) but, rather, that it is only necessary what a parent be in limited in at least one of these areas to be eligible to receive language assistance as needed. The district generally accepts a parents assertion that he or she needs language assistance without requiring further corroboration. Instructions and this Request Form can be utilized by staff when a parent/caregiver is requesting an interpreter/translator.
TCAPS Ukrainian Liaison and Interpreter / Translator Alicja Power 231-313-0517 | TCAPS Spanish Liaison and Interpreter / Translator Dibiangie “Dibi” Craig Google Voice 231-492-0548 (works for calls & texts) |
English Learner Program Staff
TCAPS EL Teacher/Coach
Kathleen Schneider
Blair: Julie Lutz, EL Teaching Assistant
Central Grade: Andrea King, Teaching Assistant
Cherry Knoll: Andrea King, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Courtade: Chelsey Jenkins, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Eastern: Peg Siciliano, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Long Lake: TBD, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Silver Lake: Frances Coiman, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Traverse Heights: Jessica Leginski, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Westwoods: Angie Reed, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
Willow Hill: Andrea King, Teaching Assistant and Kathleen Schneider, EL Teacher/Coach
East Middle School: Amanda White, ESL Teacher
West Middle School: Tanya Donahue, ESL Teacher
Central High School: Ben Lantz, ESL Teacher
West Senior High: Heidi Gregory, ESL Teacher
Common Acronyms
- EL: English Learner
- ELL: English Language Learner
- ESL: English as a Second Language
- LEP: Limited English Proficient
- FEL: Former English Learner
Entance protocol
Procedural Safeguards
English: Procedural Safeguards
Chinese/Mandarin: Procedural Safeguards - 程序保障通知
French: Procedural Safeguards - Avis relatif aux garanties procédurales
Hmong: Procedural Safeguards - Tsab Ntawv Ceebtoom Cov Txheej Txheem Pov Hwm Kev Nyab Xeeb
Polish: Procedural Safeguards - Zawiadomienie o zabezpieczeniach proceduralnych
Russian: Procedural Safeguards - Уведомление о процессуальных гарантиях
Spanish: Procedural Safeguards - Aviso de Garantarantías de Procedimiento
Ukranian: Procedural Safeguards - Повідомлення про процесуальні гарантії
Vietnamese: Procedural Safeguards - Thông báo về các biện pháp bảo vệ theo thủ tục
EL Curriculum