How to Enroll

  • TCAPS Enrollment information & forms can be found here
  • TC West Registrar: Pamela Jean 933-7702

Points of Pride

Band: Director Chad Mielens,, 933-7799

  • TC West Bands: The West Senior High Band Program is made up of the Wind Ensemble, Symphony Band, Concert Band, Green and Gold Jazz Bands and the Titan Marching Band. Students involved also have the opportunity to participate as the wind sections in both the Philharmonic and Pit Orchestras. The bands perform at football games, winter and spring concerts, MSBOA sponsored events and various jazz festivals. Students from the West Bands have been recognized as members of the MSBOA All-State Ensembles, collegiate honor bands and the Michigan Youth Arts Festival. The West Wind Ensemble has been selected as a featured ensemble at the Michigan Music Conference in 2005, 2009 and 2023


Vocal: Director Erich Wangeman,, 933-7798

  • Singers from Traverse City West Choirs are consistently featured at the MIchigan School Vocal Music Association’s All-State Festival where they are ranked among the top ten in our state.  Choirs from WSH have sung at several prestigious music conferences, and have won choral competitions throughout Europe. We have two developmental level choirs for beginning singers.  Bel Canto is for Treble Voices and Con Brio is for Tenor & Bass Voices. Students who have the ability to match and hold pitch, along with the aptitude to learn and employ music literacy skills, are welcome to join our beginning choirs at any time throughout their enrollment at WSH.  We also have an advanced Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass Chorus called Chorale, and an advanced Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass Ensemble called Choral-Aires.  These classes are audition based.  Only students who are able to demonstrate strong vocal-technical skills and advanced music literacy will be admitted into Choral and Choral-Aires.


  • Orchestra: Director Ingrid Pylvainen,, 933-7797

  • The TC West Orchestra program consists of two performing ensembles, Symphony and Philharmonic. Students perform multiple concerts throughout the year as well as participate in the MSBOA District and State Solo & Ensemble Festivals. TC West Orchestras provide service project opportunities to students regularly. Small groups perform holiday music each year at the Village Commons to raise money for the TCAPS Student Support Network, or busk at the Sara Hardy Farmers' Market to raise money for a new charity each year. Students also serve as mentors to younger students through a strong connection with the West Middle School program through private lesson tutoring and leading sectionals with the TCAPS Middle Fiddle string group. TC West Orchestra students are hard-working and compassionate citizen-musicians. 


  • Theatre Arts: Director Minda Nyquist,, 933-7730

  • West Senior High School Theatre Department provides students with the opportunity to explore and develop their creativity through acting, directing, and technical production roles. It fosters teamwork, communication, and confidence as students collaborate on various performances and projects, enhancing their understanding of the theatrical arts. Additionally, the department often promotes appreciation for literature and the performing arts, as well as technical professions, preparing students for future endeavors in both artistic and professional fields.


Traverse City West offers a range of College Board Advanced Placement courses. These course help students prepare for college-level rigor and provides them the opportunity to take a national exam in May which may earn them college credit. Annually, TCAPS families collectively save over $2 million in tuition costs for courses waived with AP credits. 

2024 Advanced Placement scores were released on July 8th. TC West students took 812 AP Exams this past May. Titans continue to outperform other honors students in Michigan as well as globally! Overall, TCAPS students had an 86% 'pass rate' on 1,555 exams in 24 different subjects! Congrats to these students on their hard work!


Honor Roll


TC West Visual Arts continues to support students in creating pieces that are recognized for their excellence in the region, state and nationally.  Students participate in several local, state and national competitions winning numerous awards and scholarships every year. 

Julie Keck, Art Teacher (traditional art focus) 231-933-7724

Melissa Clone, Art Teacher (digital art Focus) 231-933-7716

  • Traditional art classes such as Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Metals & Jewelry, and Sculpture build foundational skills and techniques that empower students to create and communicate through any given art medium.  Our studios embody a place where students feel confident to explore and experiment with media to create meaningful works of art.  All students have the opportunity to take AP Art and Design (2D, Drawing, or 3D) in which college level portfolio is created.  
  • The Digital Arts component of the Visual Arts Department includes three levels of digital photography, an AP Photography option, and a Computer Arts course. All advanced level classes gain experience using the industry-standard Adobe Creative Suite and professional-level Canon cameras and lenses. 


Titan Performance Training

Champions Train Together
Speed-Power-Optimal Movement

Adam Stoyanoff MS, CSCS

Titan Performance LogoTTPTKPI

Coach Stoyanoff joined TC West in Fall 2024 after four years of successfully building the Falcon Strength program at Grand Rapids West Catholic High School, where he was named the NHSSCA Michigan High School Strength Coach of the Year in 2023/24.

Coach Stoyanoff is a HPE Teacher and a CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) through the NSCA. He began his Performance Coaching career at Bowling Green State University. While coaching there, he earned his Masters degree in Developmental Kinesiology and experienced multiple degrees of athletic coaching success. Since then Coach Stoyanoff has gained valuable coaching experiences in several high schools, private training centers, and professional associations around the country and internationally.  

Our Titan Training program engages over 600 unique students each school year and is available during all seven periods of the school day, including zero hour. Coach Stoyanoff will work alongside Coach Matt Bocian, Coach James Wagner, and Coach Deb Prichard in the TC West Titan Training space, which was renovated and expanded in 2023 to accommodate growing enrollment.

In addition to school-day programming, Coach Stoyanoff offers various opportunities for after-school, weekend and summer speed training, sports performance, and athletic development for athletes of all ages. Be sure to follow the Titan Training social media channels and visit to stay updated on opportunities throughout the year.

TPT Space
TPT Space
TPT Space
Arts, Global or STEM Academic Communities

WSH Academic Communities: Academic Communities are not courses. Rather, they are experiences students opt into that extend their learning in an area of interest.

Award-winning Student-run Journalism

Odyssey Yearbook

  • Odyssey Yearbook 411 has all of the ordering and Senior picture information for the 2025 yearbook
  • Each year, our yearbook class produces a 250 page hardcover yearbook called the Odyssey. It is fully colored and covers as many students and aspects of West Senior High as possible. Our yearbook editorial board and staff writers work hard to document and preserve the unique history of the current year. 
  • Staff Adviser, Laura Henion 231-933-7757

The Occidentalist Newspaper

  • Online platform for the Occidentalist. The Occidentalist is the official student-produced newspaper and news website of West Senior High. The Occidentalist has been established as a designated public forum for student editors and reporters to inform and educate their readers and school community. The class is set up like an actual news room and is heavily student-run. The Occidentalist staff publishes one print edition each month of the school year, and publishes new stories on The Occidentalist Website weekly. Over the years, Occidentalist reporters have won hundreds of individual awards and the publication has also won Spartan awards, the highest award given to student publications, through the Michigan Interscholastic Press Association. 
  • Staff Adviser, Karlee Tenbusch 231-933-7778
Yearbook staffYearbook staffOccidentalist MIPA
Occi Award

TC West Senior High Student Clubs & Activities(Current List)

TC West offers a wide array of co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, MHSAA and LEAP athletics and student-initiated clubs.

Current students may start a new student club by picking up an application from our Main Office.

The Traverse City West Titans compete in MHSAA as a Class A school (Division 1 or Division 2).
Current offerings
  • Alpine Ski
  • Baseball
  • Basketball Boys
  • Basketball Girls
  • Bowling
  • Cheer (sideline cheer)
  • Cross Country Boys
  • Cross Country Girls
  • Equestrian Club*
  • Figure Skating Club* 
  • Football
  • Golf Girls
  • Golf Boys
  • Hockey
  • Boys Lacrosse
  • Girls Lacrosse
  • Rowing Club*
  • Soccer Boys
  • Soccer Girls
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis Boys
  • Tennis Girls
  • Titan Performance Training
  • Track Boys
  • Track Girls
  • Volleyball
  • Wrestling

*Non-MHSAA Sport

Other activities available at:


Research Information

Visit the LMC webpage for multiple resources

Library Hours



Mrs. Minor

Weekly newsletters are e-mailed to enrolled families and can also be found on our Calendars & Updates Page.

Interpreter/Translation Services

Interpreting during any meeting or translation of any documents will be provided for any parent who requests interpreting or translating. The process to request these services is:

  • Contact your school and make a request. The school will then make the request through the Human Resources Department, and an interpreter will be provided.
  • A school may use the Tele-Interpreter Service if no interpreter is available, or if interpreter/translation services are an immediate need.


Expectations & Documentation

TCAPS Student Handbook: TCAPS Secondary (MS/HS) Student Handbook

  • Our student handbook contains a searchable index of the most commonly requested policies, rules and forms for our school. Full TCAPS Board Policies can be viewed online.
  • The Handbook includes information about how to opt out of Directory Information services or required Military service information sharing. 

TC West School Standards:

  • We will treat all people with dignity, honesty, respect and trust.
  • We will be positive contributors.
  • We will foster a safe and orderly environment.
  • We will provide all students opportunities for success.
  • We will demonstrate quality work.

Cell Phones: At West all students will be expected to check their cell phones/devices into a pocket at the start of each class period. Student can ONLY access phones during passing times, before/after school and at lunch in the hallway or commons. Phone use is not allowed in the classroom, or in the bathroom or locker room at any time. This includes headphones and airpod use.

WSH 'Smart Pass' System During the first week of school, student are trained on how to use our passing system when they leave the room and how to access student supports they may need in the building. We use a unified passing system to:

  • Maximizing learning time
  • Maintain Safety & Security
  • Protect student privacy and dignity
  • Increase accessibility to student supports
  • Parents: Drop off and pick up should occur along the designated curb on the East (Main Office) side of the school only. Do not drop off or pick up students in moving lanes of traffic.
  • Please be patient, alert, and safety-focused when driving on our campus
  • Speed Limit on campus is 15 MPH
  • Traffic flows ONE WAY in both lanes of traffic (clockwise)
  • The roundabout is two lanes (must be in the left lane if exiting to Gallagher Road)
  • Come to a COMPLETE STOP at all three stop signs regardless of time of day - always watch for pedestrians
  • Drop off and pick up should occur along the designated curb on the East (Main Office) side of the school only. Do not drop off or pick up students in moving lanes of traffic.
  • WSH is a Closed Campus-students may not leave the campus while classes are in session unless they have checked out with an office or have the appropriate permit (CTC-NMC).
  • Students that arrive to school after 1st hour begins must enter via Door #1 only (Main Office)
  • Overnight parking is not allowed at WSH. Cars parked overnight may be towed.
  • Students should not use WSH parking lots as a site to rendezvous with friends and leave their vehicle for extended periods of time.
  • If an Academic or Athletic group is out of town overnight, their coach will designate parking for them and will communicate with school staff.
  • Loitering is not allowed in the WSH parking lots at any time.
  • Students MUST enter the building when they arrive on campus. Students waiting in cars will be asked to come inside.
  • Current students or other adults loitering in the parking lot after hours/overnight may be charged with Trespassing. Persons should not be on WSH property unless to conduct school business during school hours. Please do not encourage your child to use school grounds and parking lots as a social hang out outside of school hours.
  • WSH is a Drug, Weapon, and Alcohol Free School Zone at all times for all persons regardless of age. All vehicles parked on campus are subject to search as outlined in TCAPS Board Policy 5771. Do not bring prohibited items to school in your vehicle, including hunting knives, rifles, other guns, ammunition, bows, or gun look alikes (airsoft, etc)

  • Attendance is the strongest predictor of a student Graduating on Time
    • Please work with your families "Neighborhood Office" on attendance items
    • Report student absences in advance whenever possible
    • Call early if you need to check your student out during the school day. You will experience delays if you call once you get to West to pick your student up.
    • Contact the Neighborhood Office if you are planning to be absent for a long period of time or if your child unexpectedly missed an extended period of time and is returning.
    • Make sure the Neighborhood has current phone and e-mail addresses
  • Athens Office: 231-933-7590
  • Athens Attendance: 231-933-7752
  • Sparta Office: 231-933-7503
  • Sparta Attendance: 231-933-7752
  • Olympia Office: 231-933-7707
  • Olympia Attendance: 231-933-7752
Additional Information

TCWSH Academic Integrity Expectations

“Academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behavior in an academic setting.” - University of North Carolina

Best Practice: Always document the resources you used

Maintaining academic integrity means avoiding these behaviors:

  • CHEATING includes copying work, using text created by others without proper citation, accessing test questions ahead of time, using cheat sheets, or attempting to obtain credit for work through any dishonest or deceptive means, including aiding another person in doing so.
  • PLAGIARISM: Copying others' work without proper citation, including copying and pasting from search engines or AI tools.
  • MISUSE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Using artificial intelligence (AI) tools to create work that is intended to be completed through human effort.
  • FABRICATION: Falsifying or inventing information or citations in academic work.
  • MISREPRESENTATION: Using deception to obtain a higher grade or to avoid fulfilling the specific requirements of an assignment or course.
  • MULTIPLE SUBMISSION: Submitting the same assignment in two or more courses without prior permission from the respective instructors.

Consequences of academically dishonest behaviors:

In School: Lying or cheating documentation, restorative work and projects, parent meetings, detention, suspension, loss of letters of recommendation, removal from student leadership or group memberships (e.g., NHS).

In College: Ranges from academic probation to permanent expulsion.

In the Workplace: Lack of trust, copyright infringement, intellectual property violations, discipline at work, termination (firing), criminal or civil court charges.

Student Work Permits

Following is the school district’s process for student work permits:

  1. Student obtains a copy of the appropriate blank work permit form from his/her employer or by using the appropriate link below (based on student age).

External LinkLink to Work Permit for students ages 16 or 17 

External LinkLink to Work Permit for students under 16 years of age

  1. Student completes Section 1.
  2. Student takes the form to his/her Employer.
  3. Employer completes Section 2.
  4. Student goes to his/her school or the administration office with completed form and school ID or state ID card/driver’s license.
  5. School or administration office reviews the work permit, confirms information with the student's PowerSchool record and ID that is presented, and completes Section 3 of the work permit. School makes a copy of the work permit for the student's file.
  6. Student takes his/her completed work permit to his/her employer.  

If you have questions about this process or need further assistance, please speak with your school’s main office or TCAPS' Human Resources office at 231.933.1710.

TCAPS Food Service School Meals: Breakfast & lunch for all students will be free --to get the free meals, students must get a "complete" meal (this information will be posted in the cafeteria). Money can still be added to your student's account for ala carte items and snacks--you can use this link to do this online: Outside food deliveries are not accepted at West. Students need to bring their lunch or utilize school lunch on school days.

If your busing needs change at any time, please contact your school office or call the transportation department at 231.933.1933 for more information.

How to Report Bullying

Traverse City Area Public Schools takes bullying very seriously and will investigate all reported incidents. Reports can be made by contacting your school office or by filling out the Google FormsTCAPS Bullying Preventions & Intervention Incident Reporting Form.  

All reported incidents reported will follow the PDF Documentbullying/cyberbullying investigative process.

Throughout the school year, West Senior High School looks for parent volunteers to help in various positions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the main office. All volunteers will need to complete the district's online volunteer application and a background check before volunteering at the school. To complete the application and for more information on volunteering, please visit the External Linkdistrict's volunteer page. Thank you for your support!