Student Services & Counseling Center
Traverse City West Senior High School Profile
How to Enroll at TC West
- TCAPS Enrollment information & forms can be found here
- TC West Registrar: Pamela Jean 933-7702
Transcript Requests
Current TC West Senior High School Students & Graduates from the Class of 2000 - Present
- Transcript Requests Current seniors and graduates from the Classes 2000 - present will request a secure transcript through Parchment and have them sent directly to the college of your choice or, you may stop in the counseling office to request a transcript.
TC West Graduates from the Class of 1998 & 1999
Traverse City West's Transcript Information Line is 231.933.7702. Whether you are a business requesting verification or an individual needing a copy of your records, we will do our best to facilitate your request. For a transcript or verification requests, please:
- Complete a Transcript Records Request Form located in the main office or counseling office at West Senior High School (5376 North Long Lake Rd).
- Request your transcript or verification by mail. If you are requesting records by mail, please be sure to include the following:
- Transcript Records Request Form
- Full legal name of the student
- Full name used when in attendance at West Senior High School
- Date of birth
- The year graduated or last in attendance
- Print the address where your transcripts should be mailed
- Phone number where you can be reached
- Please date and sign your request and include the appropriate fee. If this is for verification by a business, we will need the signature of the person whose records you are inquiring about.
- Mail to: Traverse City West Senior High School, Attn: Student Records, 5376 N. Long Lake Rd., Traverse City MI 49685
- There is a $3.00 fee per transcript for graduates from the years 2000 to our most recent graduates. The fee is $4.00 before the year 2000. A request for a faxed transcript is $5.00. Please be advised that most educational institutions will not accept a faxed transcript as an official copy. At the present time we do not accept credit cards.
- If you are requesting a duplicate diploma, the cost is $30 and the wait is approximately 6 weeks. The wait on a transcript or verification is approximately 1 week.
- All checks should be made out to TCAPS.
If you have questions or a request that has not been addressed, please call our our registrar at 231.933.7702.
Academic Offerings
TCAPS-TCWSH Course Offerings
NorthEd Career Tech Center Programs
TC West Juniors or Seniors that are on track for graduation may request to learn for half of their school day in a specialized program at North Ed Career Tech. TCAPS transportation is provided each day.
Northwest Education Services (North Ed) Career Tech is a career and technical education school serving more than twenty high schools and over 1,100 juniors and seniors in the five-county Grand Traverse area. The center offers training in 23 career fields utilizing the latest technology and state-of-the-art equipment. North Ed Career Tech and regional schools share great pride in preparing students for immediate job placement, postsecondary education, or military service.
Programs include:
- Agriscience
- Auto Repair
- Aviation Maintenance
- Business Careers
- Collision Repair
- Construction Trades
- Culinary Arts
- Early Education
- Electrical Occupations
- Engineering Academy
- Film & New Media
- Graphic Arts
- Health Sciences
- Information Technology
- Power Equipment
- Precision Machining
- Public Safety
- Robotics & Automation
- Teacher Academy
- Web & App Development
- Welding
- Writers Studio
NMC Early Middle College & Dual Enrollment
Student Supports
TCAPS Student Support Network
Student Assistance
For student assistance information, please contact our school counselors listed at the bottom of this webpage.
TCAPS Student Support Network (SSN)
The Student Support Network (SSN) is a program administered by Traverse City Area Public Schools that provides free supportive, education-related services to students, ages 3-20, who lack fixed, regular and adequate housing. SSN ensures the educational rights of families and youth as required by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Visit the TCAPS SSN website for more information about the program and its services.
For more information about SSN at West Senior High, please contact
- Katie Kubesh, 231.933.1789
Academic Assistance
Teacher, counselors and principals will continue to monitor and communicate with students that are not passing their classes. Parents should also be aware that for students not achieving at appropriate levels, the services listed below continue to be available to your student:
Academic Assistance Services
- Testing Center -LMC, Daily, 7:30 am -3pm
- Homework Hub - Monday-Thursday from 3:10-4:10 in the LMC
- Indigenous Education - B-114
- NHS Tutoring (free service) can be arranged by your student's counselor or neighborhood office
- Tutor List - A list of tutors is compiled for you as a courtesy service of TCAPS. Certified teachers included on this list have indicated an interest in tutoring and have been reviewed by the TCAPS human resources staff. We recommend that you interview tutors to determine if they fit your needs and to make individual arrangements directly with the tutor.
Additional Counseling / Student Services
- For additional assistance, please visit the school counseling office or call 231.933.7700.
- After viewing your student's grades and speaking with your student on their work in any particular class, please know you can always contact your student’s instructor through email or phone. Visit the Our Staff webpage for staff contact information.
Titan Food Pantry
Titan Food Pantry Requests: If current students/families are in need of any food, personal or household supply items, please complete this survey. You will be contacted discreetly when items are ready for pick-up from your Neighborhood Office.
Donations to the TC West Food Pantry are ALWAYS WELCOME!
Commonly requested items can be dropped off to our Main Office (Door #1):
- HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: toilet paper, cleaning supplies, clorox wipes
- PERSONAL ITEMS: women's deodorant, hand soap, bar soap and razors
- FOOD ITEMS: red sauce for pasta, canned chicken, canned tuna, soups (not ramen noodles), mac & cheese (microwavable containers work best), pastas (ravioli, etc that are microwavable), cereal, protein bars and other non-perishable snacks.
College Application Process + Common App
What You Need to Know
- The majority of colleges prefer that applications are completed online.
- Make sure college entrance requirements and application deadlines are met.
- Check application status online to make sure that all sections have been received.
- Watch announcements and WSH Counseling Office bulletin boards for college visits, open houses, and scholarship opportunities.
- Please allow 1 week for the counseling office to process the application
Online Applications/Common Applications
- Speak with your counselor and teacher(s) about writing any required recommendations.
- Email those teacher(s) and counselor, as requested on the Common Application.
- Complete application with any required essay and pay application fee online.
- Send ACT/SAT test scores directly from ACT- or SAT (if not previously sent during MME testing).
If you are going to be filling out Common App your transcript will be uploaded to those applications automatically.
If you are not using Common App THEN use parchment to send your transcript.
- Send transcripts directly from
- Set up Account - you’ll need an email address
- Type “West Senior High” when asked for current high school
- Select Destinations – colleges, scholarship funds, NCAA, etc.
- Confirm Request – there is no fee for Michigan Students thanks to a grant
- Track Delivery – you’ll get email notifications when delivered
- Remember to send final transcript in June to college or university you are planning to attend
If required, print “High School Counselor Form” by the college/university. Bring a #10 (4 1/8” x 9 ½”) mailing envelope addressed to college with 1 stamp in upper right hand corner to Mrs. Jean in the Counseling Office. WSH mails this form.
Paper Applications
- Fill out application completely. Type or print neatly in black ink.
- Attach application fee, if applicable. Make check payable to college.
- Print “High School Counselor Form” if required by the college/university. Bring a 9”X12” mailing envelope addressed to college with 1 stamp in upper right hand corner to the counseling office. WSH mails this form. Complete application with any required essay and pay application fee online.
- Send transcripts directly from
- Set up Account - you’ll need an email address
- Type “West Senior High” when asked for current high school
- Select Destinations – colleges, scholarship funds, NCAA, etc.
- Confirm Request – there is no fee for Michigan Students thanks to a grant
- Track Delivery – you’ll get email notifications when delivered
- Remember to send final transcript in June to college or university you are planning to attend
- Send ACT/SAT test scores directly from ACT- or SAT
NCAA Clearinghouse Registration Required for Division I & II Athletes
NAIA registration is required for nearly 300 member institutions that make up the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA).
- View NCAA eligibility requirements
- Potential college athletes should register by the fall of their senior year with the NCAA Clearinghouse at or the NAIA at
- Send transcripts directly from
- Set up Account - you’ll need an email address
- Type “West Senior High” when asked for current high school
- Select Destinations – colleges, scholarship funds, NCAA, etc.
- Confirm Request – there is no fee for Michigan Students thanks to a grant
- Track Delivery – you’ll get email notifications when delivered
- Remember to send final transcript in June to college or university you are planning to attend
- Send ACT/SAT test scores directly from ACT- or SAT
College Board | SAT | Advanced Placement
College Board Advanced Placement
- AP Student Score Login
- AP Classroom Login (includes AP Daily)
- AP Credit Policy Search: Use this tool to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP scores.
College Board SAT
- SAT Student Score Login
- SAT Practice Resources
- SAT Dates & Deadlines: All TCAPS students take a PSAT practice each October in grades 9-11. In April, 11th grade students take the official SAT during the school day while 9th & 10th take the PSAT. Students can re-take or pre-take the SAT at their own expense by signing up at the link above.
Scholarship Information
FASFA Federal Student Aid
- FASFA Account login- start here. Any student, regardless of income, who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs. This includes grants, scholarships, work-study funds, and loans.
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship: The Michigan Achievement Scholarships are designed to help recent high school graduates in Michigan receive funds for continuing education. Eligible students could receive financial aid to attend a college or university with the Michigan Achievement Scholarship, or for a career training program with the Michigan Achievement Skills Scholarship.
- MISSG Virtual Financial Aid Workshops
- NMC Financial Aid Events and help with FAFSA application
TCAPS Test Out
TCAPS Test Out Information
Under Michigan legislation, high school students may request the opportunity to “test out” of any high school class they select. The intent of Section 1279b is to allow students to demonstrate knowledge and skills they already possess to enroll in higher level courses. If you believe you have the extensive knowledge and background to demonstrate competency in a course, you may wish to consider this opportunity.
A student who successfully tests out of a course will receive credit toward graduation for the course. In order to pass, the legislation requires students to achieve a C+ (78%) or better. The test out grade will simply be a “pass” and will not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average. Some courses require students to complete extended projects and/or research papers, in addition to passing the test out final exam. There are no study guides or review packets to prepare for these exams. All tests are aligned to Michigan State Subject Standards as outlined by MDE.
General Information
Class Rank
A student’s cumulative grade point average is used to determine the student’s rank in class. The grade point average is computed by dividing the total accumulated honor points by the number of credits attempted. Only courses graded on the A - F scale are used in this computation. Class rank is no longer used; however, a percentile standing is determined.
Course Scheduling
The courses in this catalog will be scheduled only if registration figures indicate a sufficient enrollment demand for the course. Student selections made at registration are final. Before planning the high school program, students are to review graduation requirements with their parents. During the second semester of each school year, students meet with their counselors to discuss and finalize their course selections for the following year. At this time, counselors urge students to examine their total high school program, taking into consideration their personalities, interests, abilities, and post-secondary education and career plans. Students take copies of their course selections to their parents for approval and signature. It is the student’s responsibility to return the parent-approved course selection sheet to the counselor.
Proficiency Test
The Michigan High School Proficiency Tests (HSPT) in Mathematics, Science, Reading, and Writing have been developed by the Michigan Department of Education to measure what all students should know and be able to do in each of the subject areas by the end of the tenth grade. Each test is based upon the Model Core Curriculum approved by the State Board of Education in 1991. The tests have been designed to emphasize real world applications and problem solving. By Michigan law, every student has the opportunity to earn a state endorsement in the separate areas of Mathematics, Science, and Communication Arts. Endorsements are granted based on criteria established by the Michigan Department of Education.
Schedule Change Request and Withdrawal
Every effort is made to determine the most appropriate courses for students commensurate with their needs, interests, and capabilities. Class and teacher assignments are arranged to accommodate courses selected by students. Therefore, any request for a schedule change will be considered only for the most compelling of reasons. Such reasons are: (1) your schedule does not include the courses and alternate courses previously approved by parents and counselor. (2) Your schedule does not include a requirement for graduation, which must be made this year. If your schedule contains such an error or omission, see your counselor before regular classes begin in the fall. During the year, withdrawal from courses and schedule changes are quite rare, but may be justifiable under certain circumstances. The following guidelines apply: Any decisions regarding withdrawals from scheduled courses should involve the student, his or her parents, and his or her counselor and schedule changes cannot occur after the end of the second week of the semester.
The intent of this policy is to arrive at decisions in the best interest of the student based upon the involvement of both the student and parents, and the judgment of the professional staff. The policy also seeks to prevent students from sampling subjects without providing sufficient effort required for successful achievement.
Preparing for the Future
The high school curriculum focuses on preparing students for the adult roles of:
- Citizen
- Lifelong Learner
- Consumer
- Family Member
- Worker
A high school diploma alone is no longer a ticket to a good job. It is expected, in the year 2000, 65% of the jobs in America will require two years of education beyond high school. Whether a two-year technical program, or a traditional four-year college degree is chosen, a strong academic plan incorporating theory and application of learning is important. The President’s Council of Four Year State Universities in Michigan recommends for admission: Four years of english, Three years of math, Two years of science, Three years of social studies, Three years of a foreign language, Two years of a performing or fine arts. The high schools offer a variety of services and programs to help students prepare for the future:
- A counseling staff and programs that will assist in making decisions about the future.
- A Career Information Center
- An employability skills program
- Portfolios, which are a collection of your best efforts
- Classes at the Career Tech Center
- Dual Enrollment at Northwestern Michigan College
Post-Secondary Focus Areas
Students entering Traverse City high schools will not only experience new buildings, but also a new curriculum framework designed to bring more rigor and relevance for all students. These changes are part of a five-year site-based school improvement project, which began in 1994 through school improvement, and has pulled together students, parents, educators, and business people to reorganize our curriculum. Traverse City Area Public Schools secondary students are encouraged to select one of these six preferences for their post-secondary work:
- Manufacturing, Engineering & Technologies
- Health
- Trade and Business
- Arts and Communications
- Professional and Public Services
- Natural Sciences and Resources
Our staff and community have identified skills and knowledge needed to be successful in each of these focus areas. Counselors now can share the recommendations of this group with our students and their families. The students will also use this information to:
- Assist with course selection at the high schools
- NMC and the Career-Tech Center
- Explore post-secondary education opportunities
- Keep abreast of scholarship opportunities
- Arrange job shadow opportunities
- Apply for internships
- Participate in special programming during the school year
- Be informed about apprenticeship opportunities
- Attend specific community event
- Network with other students who have similar interests.
Resources by Grade
Seniors - Class of 2025
Juniors - Class of 2026
Sophomores - Class of 2027
Freshman - Class of 2028
Class of 2024 Information
Class of 2024 Newsletter
April 23rd Senior Parent Meeting slides can be found here
Honors Convocation link is here
Graduation Ceremony link is here