Welcome to TCAPS Montessori
Home of the Timberwolves!
TCAPS Montessori is located just minutes from vibrant downtown Traverse City. It is one of 11 elementary schools in the Traverse City Area Public Schools (TCAPS) district and is one of only a few public Montessori programs offered in the state of Michigan.
TCAPS Montessori offers four levels of programming: toddler, primary, elementary and middle school. The toddler program is open to children 18-36 months, the primary program is for preschoolers 3-5 and kindergartners, lower elementary is for grades 1st – 3rd, upper elementary is for grades 4th – 6th and adolescent is for grades 7th-8th. A typical Montessori classroom is filled with varying age groups. This allows the children to form communities where the older children share their knowledge with the younger children.
In Montessori, modifications to the program are made to meet the needs of every individual student regardless of their level of ability or learning style. All TCAPS Montessori programs follow the philosophy of Maria Montessori, which emphasizes a child-centered environment that develops character, skills, and independent learning.
Peace Pledge
At TCAPS Montessori, students begin each day by reciting the Peace Pledge.
This Pledge is a reminder to all students to embrace the Montessori way of life and strive to be the best they can be.
“I promise to make peace my personal goal every day. I will stand up for what is right, step in with kind words when I see injustice, and help foster peace in others. As a Montessorian, I pledge peacefulness with honor, and I will lead by example.” Copyright 2016, TCAPS Montessori
The International Day of Peace has become an annual celebration at TCAPS Montessori at Glenn Loomis.
Points of Pride
- TCAPS Montessori is a Michigan Green School, which means that it has achieved environmental goals including protecting the air, land, water, and animals through good ecological practices and teaching of educational stewardship.
- Student-led recycling programs along with community gardens.
- An active PTO that supports activities such as the annual Book Fair, Art Night, Carnival, as well fundraisers throughout the year.
2025-2026 Registration Information
Elementary & Adolescent Montessori
2025-26 Kindergarten through 4th Grade Registration will open up in Mid February. Any registration forms for incoming 4th through 8th grade students must be transferring directly from another Montessori.
For more information on our Adolescent Community please watch the 2024 Parent Presentation
Returning Montessori Toddler, Primary Preschool and Kindergarten Programs
Returning Montessori Primary-Preschool and Toddler families can log directly into the PowerSchool Parent Portal and use their child's current access ID information.
Please watch this slideshow for important information on registration
Families new to TCAPS Montessori
Montessori Enrollment Events
TCAPS Montessori Tour Dates for Prospective Families:
- Please call the office at 231-933-6420 for dates and times
TCAPS Montessori Adolescent Community (7th and 8th Grade) Parent Information Night:
- Thursday Feb. 6, 2025 | Inclement weather date TBD
- 5:30 to 6:30 PM - Students must have prior Montessori school experience if new to the school
CASA (Pre-School, JK, and K) Parent Information Night:
- Wednesday Feb. 12, 2025 | Inclement weather date TBD
- 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Montessori Toddler & Primary Preschool Registration Process
Families interested in enrolling in the Montessori Toddler or Primary Preschool program will register online and should follow the online instructions found on the preschool webpage.
About Montessori
The Montessori philosophy emphasizes a child-centered environment that develops character, skills, and independent learning. Children can freely choose from a number of developmentally appropriate activities taught by certified Montessori instructors to meet curricular goals.
The educational focus of TCAPS' Montessori is based on the philosophies of Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician who developed this unique method of education based on her observations that children almost effortlessly absorb knowledge from their surroundings. Dr. Montessori's pioneering work created a blueprint for nurturing all children to become self-motivated, independent, and life-long learners.
"Our philosophy is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core." --Maria Montessori
Programs offered through TCAPS Montessori
- Toddler Program: Ages 18 - 36 months
- Primary Classes: Ages 3 - 6, including kindergarten
- Elementary Classes: Ages 6 - 12
- Adolescent Program: Ages 12-14
Montessori Frequently Asked Questions
The Montessori Approach to Education
The Montessori approach envisions education as "an aid to life." Montessori is both a philosophy of child development and an educational approach, which respects each child's unique personality. The core principles are drawn from the natural development of the child and designed to help each child with their task of inner construction. The method allows for modification to the needs of the individual, regardless of the level of ability, learning style, or social maturity. The focus of Montessori education continually changes in scope and manner to meet the child's changing needs and interests.
Activities in our Montessori program are designed to be flexible enough to address each child's individual developmental needs. The program promotes the development of social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination as well as cognitive preparation. The holistic curriculum allows the child to experience the joy of learning.
Program Goals and Objectives
- An emphasis on cognitive structures and social development.
- Teacher's role is unobtrusive; child actively participates in learning.
- Environment and methods encourage internal self-discipline.
- Individual and group instruction adapts to each student's learning style.
- Mixed age grouping
- Children are encouraged to teach, collaborate with, and help each other.
- Child chooses own work from interests and abilities.
- Child formulates concepts from self-teaching materials.
- Child works as long as she/he wants on chosen projects.
- Child sets own learning pace to internalize information.
- Child corrects own errors through feedback from material.
- Learning is reinforced internally through child's own repetition of activity, and feelings of success.
- Multi-sensory materials for physical exploration and development.
- Organized program for learning care of self and environment.
- Child can work where she/he is comfortable, moves and talks at will (yet does not disturb others); group work is voluntary and negotiable.
- Organized program to help parents to understand the Montessori philosophy and participate in the learning process.
TCAPS Montessori Programs
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